Mt. Eden Computer Applications 1

dd Letter Writing in Word 1...

(Assignment: 40 pts)

eeWrite me a letter about yourself. Click here to get the questions that I want you to be writing to me about. I want you to put that letter in to a FORMAL LETTER FORMAT. You need to have these elements:

  1. Correct all spelling (red underline) Capitalization, punctuation and grammar (blue and green underline) errors.
  2. Add senders name and address: your address.
  3. Add the date.
  4. Add recipient name and address.
    • Use this address:
  5. Mr. Lavendel
    1700 Maple Street
    Santa Cruz, CA 95060

  1. Add "Dear Mr. Lavendel:"
  2. Break up your letter into two or more paragraphs.
  3. End with a closing like "Sincerely" or "Warmly."
  4. A space for your signature.
  5. And your name.
  6. Add the proper spacing between the elements.
  7. Have me look at your finished letter before you print it.
  8. Sign your letter before you turn it in.

Here is a sample formatted letter for you to look at: Sample Formatted Letter


As you work save your completed file in your folder in the Documents folder on your computer.




This assignment is worth 30 Assignment points.

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