Mt. Eden Apps 2/Media Class

dd Photoshop Assignment 4

Take this image of an astronauts helmet and choose an image from the internet or one of your own pictures to reflect in the visor.You can be clever, funny, serious, macabre, make a statement, use words... BE CREATIVE!!!



Get the helmet image: Helmet.psd. Open it in Photpshop.




Select the picture that you want to reflect in the visor (Command–A) and copy it into the paste buffer.

Move to the helmet image. Use one of the Photoshop selection tools to select all of the helmet visor. I sugest that you use the Quick Selection tool.

Using the Paste Special command under the Edit menu select Paste Into...

Use the move tool to move the picture inside the visor to where you like it. Yuo may have to enlarge or reduce the picture to fit into the visor, use: the scale transform command under the Edit menu in the Transform section.

Select the Warp transform command under the Edit menu in the Transform section. Move the handles in the resulting warp grid to shift the big ben image so that it curves to folow the visors's curve.

In the Layers palette, make sure the Big Ben layer is selected, and change the blending mode to Linear Dodge (add) or Lighter Color. You can experiment with other blending modes if you like. Play with the layer Opacity control (reducing the opacity) to make it look more like a reflection.



As you work save your completed file in your folder in the Documents folder on your computer.




REMEMBER to keep a copy on your Flash Drive!



This exercise is worth 25 Participation points.


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