Mt. Eden Computer Applications I Class

wwExcel YOYO: PART 2 Planner

Haven't done part 1? Click here... Part 1


Click here for the file that you need:



In the Planner.xlsx file:

  1. Change the font size of cells A2:C2 to 12pts.

  2. Bold the text in A2:C2.

  3. Change the font of A1 to font size 16pts and bold.

  4. Adjust the width of column A.

  5. Merge and Center the title in A1 across A1:C1.

  6. Add a border of your choosing under the title.

  7. Fill the title cell with a color of your choosing.

  8. Make the title cell taller by dragging the header line between 1 and 2.

  9. Set the vertical alignment to Middle Align.

  10. Change the Font Color of row 2 and column A to your choice of color.

  11. In column B, list how you spend your after-school hours.

  12. In column C, list how you could spend your after-school hours more productively.

  13. Select cells B3:C6.

  14. In the Home tab ribbon Format button set AutoFit Column Width.
  15. Turn on text wrapping by clicking on the Wrap Text button.

  16. Adjust the width of column C so the lines wrap.

  17. In the Home tab ribbon Format button set AutoFit Row Height.

  18. Set the vertical alignment to Top Align. See Figure 1 ==>

  19. Right-click on the spreadsheet tab of Sheet 1 (at the bottom of the window) and select Rename, or double-click on tab.

  20. Type in Day Planner.

  21. Press Enter.

  22. Right-click on the spreadsheet tab and select Tab Color... Select any color that you like.

  23. Go to Sheet 3.

  24. Add a border of your choosing under cells A1:C1.

  25. Bold and center the cell contents.

  26. In each column, list at least three items you would need for that category, include a tent and a backpack.

  27. Adjust the width of the columns as needed.

  28. Download the Backpack.png picture to your computer.

  29. Insert the backpack picture using the Picture from File... option under the Pictures button on the Insert tab of the ribbon.

  30. Move the image to the right of the data.

  31. Download the Tent.png picture.

  32. Insert the tent picture.
  33. Select cells A9:C15 and fill them with a color of your choosing.

  34. Move and adjust the size of the tent image to fit onto the colored cells. Adjust the color of the background cells as necessary.

  35. Move and adjust size of the the backpack image to fit to the right of the text as in Figure 2 ==>

  36. Select the cells that are under the backpack image and fill them with a color of your choosing.

  37. Rename the worksheet tab to Backpacking and
    change the tab color to a color different from the Day Planner tab.

  38. Press Enter.

  39. Hide the Teams Sheet.

  40. Done.





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