Mt. Eden Computer Applications II & Media Class

iiIllustrator Assignment 4...


You are a Beautiful Star...

Create this picture.




  1. Open a New Illustrator document.

  2. With the pen tool create an "S" curve.

  3. Use the Type on a Path Tool to write the text "You are a Beautiful STAR" on the path. Choose your own font.

  4. With the text selected, in the Type menu choose the "Create Outlines" command.

  5. Fill the text with a liner gradient, make the gradient three colors; you choose the colors. The text can be outlined or not.

  6. With the Star Shape tool create and place the three 5 pointed stars. Stroke the stars with a 3 point stroke and fill them with the same gradient but make it radial this time.

  7. With the Star Shape tool create and place the 7 pointed star. Scale and rotate it so it is flat and tilted as in the sample picture. Fill it with the same radial gradient and make it fit by scaling it into an oval that fits the flattened and tilted star.


Turn It In!!!

When you are done, in Illustrator type your name and date at the top, and save your completed file in your folder in the Documents folder on your computer.



REMEMBER to keep a copy on your Flash Drive!



This assignment is worth 35 assignment points.


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